Torsten Stelzer

Visiting Associate Professor at MIT


Dr. Torsten Stelzer received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. He stayed on as Assistant Professor (Habilitand) before joining the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT for a two-year sabbatical leave (2012-2014). At the end of 2014, he took the unique opportunity to combine his professional goal of being a professor with his desire to live in Puerto Rico as part of a dual career couple. As Assistant/Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Puerto Rico, he formed the collaborative Crystallization Design Institute. His research focuses on integrated end-to-end, continuous manufacturing for process intensification with an emphasis on crystallization, downstream processes, and materials science of polymerbased crystalline systems for personalized drug delivery. At the UPR he leads several multi-PI, multi-institutional projects, including MIT, Northeastern University, University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW), University of Liège (Belgium). Currently he holds a standing Visiting Professor position at MIT and an Honorary Associate position at the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center at UW. As an expert in industrial crystallization, he also serves as a consultant and collaborator for the private sector. Thus far, he has authored over 55 publications, eight (8) book contributions, and is an inventor on 15 patents/applications. You can find details of Dr. Stelzer at and his research group at