Patrick Löb
Deputy Head of Division Chemistry & Leader of the group “Flow Chemistry” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM
Dr. Patrick Löb, born 1970 in Mannheim, studied chemistry at the University of Hei-delberg. He received his PhD at the “Organisch-Chemischen Institut" lead by Prof. Dr. R. Gleiter on the subject of “Synthesis of strained organic polycycles" in 2020.
He joined 2001 the Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH IMM, the predecessor institution of Fraunhofer IMM, as a scientific fellow in January 2001 and started work in the department of “Microreaction Technology" headed by Prof. Dr. V. Hes-sel.
Since then, he is dealing with the development, realization and application of (mi-cro)structured flow reactors to improve chemical production processes for industry (mainly fine chemical, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical industry) in context of industry and public funded projects on national, European and international level. So, e.g. he coordinated the past EU FP7 projects CoPIRIDE and
POLYCAT, both dealing with Flow Chemistry, Process Intensification and novel reac-tor and plant concepts.
He is now Leader of Group Flow Chemistry and Deputy Head of Division Chemistry at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM, Mainz, Germany
He is author and coauthor of various publications, particularly in the fields of micro process engineering, application of micro-structured components within organic synthesis and Flow Chemistry.