Laurent Vanoye
Head of the flow chemistry platform – CP2M laboratory
Laurent has been a CNRS engineer for 15 years, specializing in flow chemistry and catalysis, with a strong passion for kinetics. He is the head of the flow chemistry platform at the CP2M laboratory in Lyon, France, a position he has held for the past five years under the guidance of Claude De Bellefon. He is also a researcher, coauthoring 45 publications, primarily on aerobic oxidation catalysis, in flow and under explosive atmospheres. In addition to his research, Laurent teaches catalysis and kinetics at the CPE-Lyon engineering school. Prior to this role, Laurent completed his PhD in 2006 at the Charles Gerhardt Institute in Montpellier, focusing on biomass upgrading catalysis. He then conducted postdoctoral research at the Queens University Ionic Liquid laboratory in Belfast, furthering his expertise in these areas.