Evelien Baeten
Docent-onderzoeker at Zuyd Hogeschool | Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Evelien Baeten is a lecturer and researcher at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands (Zuyd). Her research focuses on the use of flow chemistry for monomer and polymer synthesis and on the use of (photo)flow chemistry for industrial partners. Some of the projects, she is currently working on is the Interreg project Lumen (https://www.project-lumen.nl/) and the RAAK PRO project Light-Up.
Evelien studied Chemistry at Hasselt University (BSc, 2011) and Molecular Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe) (MSc, 2013). She obtained her PhD at Hasselt University in 2017, where she worked in the research group of T. Junkers, on the topic “Continuous Reactor Cascades: an Efficient Toolbox toward Tailor-Made Polymer materials”. In following year, she stayed a research associate at Hasselt University and IMO-IMOMEC. May 2018, she joined Zuyd as a lecturer-researcher on polymer and (photo)flow chemistry.
Title of presentation:
Photoflow Chemistry: laboratory scale and upscaling